Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cancer Free

What is Cancer?

    Cancer is a term use for disease in which abnormal cell divided without control and is able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just only one disease but much disease. There are more than 100 different types of cancer .Most cancers are named for the organ type of cell in which they start.

What is the cause of cancer?

    All cancer begin in cells the body basic unit of life .To understand cancer it is helpful to know what happened when normal cells become damage or cancer cells. Our body is made up many types of cells; these cells grow and divided in uncontrolled way to provide more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. When cells become old or damage they are replace with new cells.
     Normal body cells that develop abnormally cell it can cause cancer .There are many things that can cause cell abnormality it can develop cancer. Some cancer is not yet identifies and other develop unknown causes. Many patients develop due to the combination of some factors that cannot be avoided. Although it is often difficult or impossible to determine the initiating events that cause a cancer to develop in each person, these are the following listing of major causes and is not included the specific causes are routinely added as research advances.

Chemical or Toxic are compound exposure in benze,asbestos,nickel cadium,vinyl chloride,benzidine ,muitrosamines,tobacco or cigarette smoke and anflatoxin. There are many potential carcinogenic chemical and toxins.

Ionizing Radiation are in the exposure in uranium, ultraviolet rays from sunlight, radiation from alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays emitting sources.

 Pathogens a human papillomavirus (HPV),EBV or epstien-barr  viruses and other bacteria that are being research.

Genetics  a number of specific cancer have been linked to human genes are follows:
  1.  Breast cancer        
  2. Ovarian cancer   
  3. Colorectal cancer
  4.  Prostate cancer  
  5. Skin cancer      
  6. Melanoma cancer       

 However this orderly process goes wrong, the genetic material (DNA) of a cells become damage or change to produce mutation by bad chemical or toxin in a person of environment. That affects normal cells from when the body does not need them. The extra cells may form a mass of tissues called tumor.

Types of cancer

1.       Carcinoma –is one type of much cancer that begins on skin or cell tissues that cover the internal organs.

2.       Sarcoma- is type cancer arising between a tissue or skin and other supporting tissue.

3.       Leukemia – is a cancer in blood forming tissue, bone narrow that can cause a large abnormal blood cell.

4.       Lymphoma and Myeloma- is a type of cancer that begins in cells immune system.

5.       Central nervous system- is a type of cancer that begins in spinal cord.

What are the symptoms and sign of cancer?

                Cancer depends on their location or where the abnormal cell raises and spread: For example leukemia that found in blood cells that spreading all over the normal blood cell.

Some symptoms that easily to identify:
Fever (no clear infection source, recurrent or constant
Fatigue (that  not relieve by relaxing and resting )
Lose of weight (a sudden lose weight )
Pain (usually persistent )
Skin changes (coloration, wound not heal ,white spot in mouth or tongue
Bowel movement or bladder functions (constipation)
Unusual bleeding (any parts of our body )
Always cough
Lumps or tissue masses
Any sign of these listed you may visit to consult a doctor.  

How to avoid cancer?

- Don’t smoke or use any other tobacco products.
- Get screened for cancer regularly
 - Keep your alcohol consumption low
- Protect your skin from the sun
- Keep a physically active lifestyle
- Keep your weight in the normal range for your height
- Avoid taking menopausal hormone therapy
- Consider taking medications, after consulting a doctor, for reducing cancer risk
- Avoid exposures to cancer-causing substances
- Eat a cancer-risk-reducing diet.

Avoid food to eat

(Natural News) The statement "everything causes cancer" has become a popular hyperbole, and one that some people use as rhetorical fodder to excuse their own dietary and lifestyle failures, particularly as they pertain to cancer risk. But the truth of the matter is that many common food items have, indeed, been scientifically shown to increase cancer risk and some of them substantially. Here are 10 of the most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods that you should never eat again:

1) Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). It goes without saying that GMOs have no legitimate place in any cancer-free diet, especially now that both GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. But GMOs are everywhere, including in most food derivatives made from conventional corn, soybeans, and canola. However, you can avoid them by sticking with certified organic, certified non-GMO verified, and locally-grown foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology

2) Processed meats. Most processed meat products, including lunch meats, bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing, but that can also cause cancer. Both sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate have been linked to significantly increasing the risk of colon and other forms of cancer, so be sure to choose only uncured meat products made without nitrates, and preferably from grass-fed sources

3) Microwave popcorn. They might be convenient, but those bags of microwave popcorn are lined with chemicals that are linked to causing not only infertility but also liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancers. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes the perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in microwave popcorn bag linings as "likely" carcinogenic, and several independent studies have linked the chemical to causing tumors. Similarly, the diacetyl chemical used in the popcorn itself is linked to causing both lung damage and cancer

4) Soda pop. Like processed meats, soda pop has been shown to cause cancer as well. Loaded with sugar, food chemicals, and colorings, soda pop acidifies the body and literally feeds cancer cells. Common soda pop chemicals like caramel color and its derivative 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) have also specifically been linked to causing cancer

5) 'Diet' foods, beverages. Even worse than conventional sugar-sweetened soda pop, though, is "diet" soda pop and various other diet beverages and foods. A recent scientific review issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of more than 20 separate research studies found that aspartame, one of the most common artificial sweeteners, causes a range of illnesses including birth defects and cancer. Sucralose (Splenda), saccharin and various other artificial sweeteners have also been linked to causing cancer

6) Refined 'white' flours. Refined flour is a common ingredient in processed foods, but its excess carbohydrate content is a serious cause for concern. A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention found that regular consumption of refined carbohydrates was linked to a 220 percent increase in breast cancer among women. High-glycemic foods in general have also been shown to rapidly raise blood sugar levels in the body, which directly feeds cancer cell growth and spread.

7) Refined sugars. The same goes for refined sugars, which tend to rapidly spike insulin levels and feed the growth of cancer cells. Fructose-rich sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are particularly offensive, as 
cancer cells have been shown to quickly and easily metabolize them in order to proliferate. And since cookies, cakes, pies, sodas, juices, sauces, cereals, and many other popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with HFCS and other refined sugars, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days .

8) Conventional apples, grapes, and other 'dirty' fruits. Many people think they are eating healthy when they buy apples, grapes, or strawberries from the store. But unless these fruits are organic or verified to be pesticide-free, they could be a major cancer risk. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that up to 98 percent of all conventional produce, and particularly the type found on its "dirty" fruits list, is contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides.

9) Farmed salmon. Farmed salmon is another high-risk cancer food, according to Dr. David Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany. According to his assessment, farmed salmon not only lacks vitamin D, but it is often contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), flame retardants, pesticides, and antibiotics.

10) Hydrogenated oils. They are commonly used to preserve processed foods and keep them shelf-stable. But hydrogenated oils alter the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body, which can lead to a host of debilitating diseases such as cancer. Some manufacturers are phasing out the use of hydrogenated oils and replacing them with palm oil and other safer alternatives, but trans fats are still widely used in processed foods.

If I’d known then what I know now, my wife would probably still be alive today. Believe it or not, I found an incredibly powerful yet gentle way to beat cancer—a way that makes the patient feel good and healthy. In fact, you can cure almost any cancer at home—even “terminal” cancers—for pennies on the dollar compared to the $10,000-a-month chemo drugs.
And without any miserable side effects.
You see, after Marge’s death, I embarked on a full-time research project to find a better way to treat cancer. And in my research I found a suppressed cure—a miracle that literally “melts” cancer away.
But don’t expect to hear about this cure from your doctor. He probably doesn’t know about it, because the drug-oriented medical establishment has suppressed it. Why? Because big profits are at stake.
As the late physician, author, and diet guru Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D., once said:
“There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, and the major oncology centers. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.”
But even if your doctor knew about the natural cure for cancer, he could get into big trouble with his medical board for recommending a cancer treatment other than chemotherapy.
That’s right. Your doctor isn’t free to tell you the truth about your cancer treatment options, because health freedom in America is disappearing.
But I’m free to tell you the truth about cancer treatment options because I’m not a doctor. I can speak freely.
Let me briefly introduce myself to you. I’m Bill Henderson, a retired Air Force colonel and a retired business owner.
I write books about how to beat cancer gently and naturally, and I host a radio program on the same subject. What’s more, I’ve spoken with more than 3,000 cancer patients from all over the world over the last several years. In a typical day, six or seven cancer patients call me to ask about their treatment options.
I tell these patients that if I ever had cancer, I’d cure it at home myself instead of using chemo and radiation. Why? Because I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work.
Let me tell you the story about the technology tycoon who almost lost his wife.
By: Bill Henderson